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Module veryfi.client

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import base64

import hashlib

import hmac

import json

import os

import time

from typing import *

import requests

from veryfi.model import AddLineItem, UpdateLineItem

from veryfi.errors import VeryfiClientError

class Client:

    API_VERSION = "v8"

    API_TIMEOUT = 30

    BASE_URL = ""


        "Advertising & Marketing",


        "Bank Charges & Fees",

        "Legal & Professional Services",


        "Meals & Entertainment",

        "Office Supplies & Software",

        "Taxes & Licenses",


        "Rent & Lease",

        "Repairs & Maintenance",



        "Job Supplies",



    def __init__(










        self.client_id = client_id

        self.client_secret = client_secret

        self.username = username

        self.api_key = api_key

        self.base_url = base_url

        self.api_version = api_version

        self.versioned_url = self.base_url + self.api_version

        self.timeout = timeout

        self.headers = {}

        self._session = requests.Session()

    def _get_headers(self) -> Dict:


        Prepares the headers needed for a request.

        :return: Dictionary with headers


        final_headers = {

            "User-Agent": "Python Veryfi-Python/3.4.1",

            "Accept": "application/json",

            "Content-Type": "application/json",

            "Client-Id": self.client_id,


        final_headers.update({"Authorization": f"apikey {self.username}:{self.api_key}"})

        return final_headers

    def _request(self, http_verb, endpoint_name, request_arguments):


        Submit the HTTP request.

        :param http_verb: HTTP Method

        :param endpoint_name: Endpoint name such as 'documents', 'users', etc.

        :param request_arguments: JSON payload to send to Veryfi

        :return: A JSON of the response data.


        headers = self._get_headers()

        api_url = "{0}/partner{1}".format(self.versioned_url, endpoint_name)

        if self.client_secret:

            timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)

            signature = self._generate_signature(request_arguments, timestamp=timestamp)



                    "X-Veryfi-Request-Timestamp": str(timestamp),

                    "X-Veryfi-Request-Signature": signature,



        response = self._session.request(







        if response.status_code not in [200, 201, 202, 204]:

            raise VeryfiClientError.from_response(response)

        return response.json()

    def _generate_signature(self, payload_params, timestamp):


        Generate unique signature for payload params.

        :param payload_params: JSON params to be sent to API request

        :param timestamp: Unix Long timestamp

        :return: Unique signature generated using the client_secret and the payload


        payload = "timestamp:{}".format(timestamp)

        for key in payload_params.keys():

            value = payload_params[key]

            payload = "{0},{1}:{2}".format(payload, key, value)

        secret_bytes = bytes(self.client_secret, "utf-8")

        payload_bytes = bytes(payload, "utf-8")

        tmp_signature =, msg=payload_bytes, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()

        base64_signature = base64.b64encode(tmp_signature).decode("utf-8").strip()

        return base64_signature

    def get_documents(


        q: Optional[str] = None,

        external_id: Optional[str] = None,

        tag: Optional[str] = None,

        created_gt: Optional[str] = None,

        created_gte: Optional[str] = None,

        created_lt: Optional[str] = None,

        created_lte: Optional[str] = None,

        **kwargs: Dict,



        Get list of documents

        :param query: Search term to search for a specific document by its content. These fields will be searched: external_id, category,, notes, invoice_number, total and ocr_text.

        :param external_id: Search for documents that match your custom identifier

        :param tag: Search for documents with the specified tag

        :param created__gt: Search for documents with a created date greater than this one. Format YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS. Don't send both created__gt and created__gte in a single request.

        :param created__gte: Search for documents with a created date greater than or equal to this one. Format YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS. Don't send both created__gt and created__gte in a single request.

        :param created__lt: Search for documents with a created date greater than this one. Format YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS. Don't send both created__lt and created__lte in a single request.

        :param created__lte: Search for documents with a created date less than or equal to this one. Format YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS. Don't send both created__lt and created__lte in a single request.

        :param kwargs: Additional request parameters

        :return: List of previously processed documents


        endpoint_name = "/documents/"

        request_params = {}

        if q:

            request_params["q"] = q

        if external_id:

            request_params["external_id"] = external_id

        if tag:

            request_params["tag"] = tag

        if created_gt:

            request_params["created__gt"] = created_gt

        if created_gte:

            request_params["created__gte"] = created_gte

        if created_lt:

            request_params["created__lt"] = created_lt

        if created_lte:

            request_params["created__lte"] = created_lte


        if request_params:

            endpoint_name += "?" + "&".join(f"{k}={v}" for k, v in request_params.items())

        documents = self._request("GET", endpoint_name, {})

        if "documents" in documents:

            return documents["documents"]

        return documents

    def get_document(self, document_id):


        Retrieve document by ID

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to retrieve

        :return: Data extracted from the Document


        endpoint_name = "/documents/{}/".format(document_id)

        request_arguments = {"id": document_id}

        document = self._request("GET", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

        return document

    def process_document(


        file_path: str,

        categories: Optional[List] = None,

        delete_after_processing: bool = False,

        **kwargs: Dict,



        Process a document and extract all the fields from it

        :param file_path: Path on disk to a file to submit for data extraction

        :param categories: List of categories Veryfi can use to categorize the document

        :param delete_after_processing: Delete this document from Veryfi after data has been extracted

        :param kwargs: Additional request parameters

        :return: Data extracted from the document


        endpoint_name = "/documents/"

        if not categories:

            categories = self.CATEGORIES

        file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)

        with open(file_path, "rb") as image_file:

            base64_encoded_string = base64.b64encode("utf-8")

        request_arguments = {

            "file_name": file_name,

            "file_data": base64_encoded_string,

            "categories": categories,

            "auto_delete": delete_after_processing,



        document = self._request("POST", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

        return document

    def process_document_url(


        file_url: Optional[str] = None,

        categories: Optional[List[str]] = None,


        boost_mode: int = 0,

        external_id: Optional[str] = None,

        max_pages_to_process: Optional[int] = None,

        file_urls: Optional[List[str]] = None,

        **kwargs: Dict,

    ) -> Dict:

        """Process Document from url and extract all the fields from it.

        :param file_url: Required if file_urls isn't specified. Publicly accessible URL to a file, e.g. "".

        :param file_urls: Required if file_url isn't specifies. List of publicly accessible URLs to multiple files, e.g. ["", ""]

        :param categories: List of categories to use when categorizing the document

        :param delete_after_processing: Delete this document from Veryfi after data has been extracted

        :param max_pages_to_process: When sending a long document to Veryfi for processing, this parameter controls how many pages of the document will be read and processed, starting from page 1.

        :param boost_mode: Flag that tells Veryfi whether boost mode should be enabled. When set to 1, Veryfi will skip data enrichment steps, but will process the document faster. Default value for this flag is 0

        :param external_id: Optional custom document identifier. Use this if you would like to assign your own ID to documents

        :param kwargs: Additional request parameters

        :return: Data extracted from the document.


        endpoint_name = "/documents/"

        request_arguments = {

            "auto_delete": delete_after_processing,

            "boost_mode": boost_mode,

            "categories": categories,

            "external_id": external_id,

            "file_url": file_url,

            "file_urls": file_urls,

            "max_pages_to_process": max_pages_to_process,



        return self._request("POST", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

    def process_w9_document_url(

        self, file_url: str, file_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Dict

    ) -> Dict:


        Process W9 Document from url and extract all the fields from it.

        :param file_url: Publicly accessible URL to a file, e.g. "".

        :param file_name: Optional name of file, eg. receipt.jpg

        :param kwargs: Additional request parameters

        :return: Data extracted from the document.


        if file_name is None:

            file_name = os.path.basename(file_url)

        endpoint_name = "/w9s/"

        request_arguments = {

            "file_name": file_name,

            "file_url": file_url,



        return self._request("POST", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

    def process_w9_document(self, file_path: str, file_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs):


        Process W9 Document from url and extract all the fields from it.

        :param file_path: Path on disk to a file to submit for data extraction

        :param file_name: Optional name of file, eg. receipt.jpg

        :param kwargs: Additional request parameters

        :return: Data extracted from the document.


        endpoint_name = "/w9s/"

        if file_name is None:

            file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)

        with open(file_path, "rb") as image_file:

            base64_encoded_string = base64.b64encode("utf-8")

        request_arguments = {

            "file_name": file_name,

            "file_data": base64_encoded_string,



        document = self._request("POST", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

        return document

    def delete_document(self, document_id):


        Delete Document from Veryfi

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to delete


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/"

        request_arguments = {"id": document_id}

        self._request("DELETE", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

    def update_document(self, document_id: int, **kwargs) -> Dict:


        Update data for a previously processed document, including almost any field like `vendor`, `date`, `notes` and etc.

        ```veryfi_client.update_document(id, date="2021-01-01", notes="look what I did")```

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to update

        :param kwargs: fields to update

        :return: A document json with updated fields, if fields are writable. Otherwise a document with unchanged fields.


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/"

        return self._request("PUT", endpoint_name, kwargs)

    def get_line_items(self, document_id):


        Retrieve all line items for a document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to retrieve

        :return: List of line items extracted from the document


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/line-items/"

        request_arguments = {}

        line_items = self._request("GET", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

        return line_items

    def get_line_item(self, document_id, line_item_id):


        Retrieve a line item for existing document by ID.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to retrieve

        :param line_item_id: ID of the line item you'd like to retrieve

        :return: Line item extracted from the document


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/line-items/{line_item_id}"

        request_arguments = {}

        line_items = self._request("GET", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

        return line_items

    def add_line_item(self, document_id: int, payload: Dict) -> Dict:


        Add a new line item on an existing document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to update

        :param payload: line item object to add

        :return: Added line item data


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/line-items/"

        request_arguments = AddLineItem(**payload).dict(exclude_none=True)

        return self._request("POST", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

    def update_line_item(self, document_id: int, line_item_id: int, payload: Dict) -> Dict:


        Update an existing line item on an existing document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to update

        :param line_item_id: ID of the line item you'd like to update

        :param payload: line item object to update

        :return: Line item data with updated fields, if fields are writable. Otherwise line item data with unchanged fields.


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/line-items/{line_item_id}"

        request_arguments = UpdateLineItem(**payload).dict(exclude_none=True)

        return self._request("PUT", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

    def delete_line_items(self, document_id):


        Delete all line items on an existing document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to delete


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/line-items/"

        request_arguments = {}

        self._request("DELETE", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

    def delete_line_item(self, document_id, line_item_id):


        Delete an existing line item on an existing document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to delete

        :param line_item_id: ID of the line item you'd like to delete


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/line-items/{line_item_id}"

        request_arguments = {}

        self._request("DELETE", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

    def add_tag(self, document_id, tag_name):


        Add a new tag on an existing document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to update

        :param tag_name: name of the new tag

        :return: Added tag data


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/tags/"

        request_arguments = {"name": tag_name}

        return self._request("PUT", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

    def replace_tags(self, document_id, tags):


        Replace multiple tags on an existing document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to update

        :param tags: array of strings

        :return: Added tags data


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/"

        request_arguments = {"tags": tags}

        return self._request("PUT", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

    def add_tags(self, document_id, tags):


        Add multiple tags on an existing document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to update

        :param tags: array of strings

        :return: Added tags data


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/tags/"

        request_arguments = {"tags": tags}

        return self._request("POST", endpoint_name, request_arguments)





class Client(
View Source
class Client:

    API_VERSION = "v8"

    API_TIMEOUT = 30

    BASE_URL = ""


        "Advertising & Marketing",


        "Bank Charges & Fees",

        "Legal & Professional Services",


        "Meals & Entertainment",

        "Office Supplies & Software",

        "Taxes & Licenses",


        "Rent & Lease",

        "Repairs & Maintenance",



        "Job Supplies",



    def __init__(










        self.client_id = client_id

        self.client_secret = client_secret

        self.username = username

        self.api_key = api_key

        self.base_url = base_url

        self.api_version = api_version

        self.versioned_url = self.base_url + self.api_version

        self.timeout = timeout

        self.headers = {}

        self._session = requests.Session()

    def _get_headers(self) -> Dict:


        Prepares the headers needed for a request.

        :return: Dictionary with headers


        final_headers = {

            "User-Agent": "Python Veryfi-Python/3.4.1",

            "Accept": "application/json",

            "Content-Type": "application/json",

            "Client-Id": self.client_id,


        final_headers.update({"Authorization": f"apikey {self.username}:{self.api_key}"})

        return final_headers

    def _request(self, http_verb, endpoint_name, request_arguments):


        Submit the HTTP request.

        :param http_verb: HTTP Method

        :param endpoint_name: Endpoint name such as 'documents', 'users', etc.

        :param request_arguments: JSON payload to send to Veryfi

        :return: A JSON of the response data.


        headers = self._get_headers()

        api_url = "{0}/partner{1}".format(self.versioned_url, endpoint_name)

        if self.client_secret:

            timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)

            signature = self._generate_signature(request_arguments, timestamp=timestamp)



                    "X-Veryfi-Request-Timestamp": str(timestamp),

                    "X-Veryfi-Request-Signature": signature,



        response = self._session.request(







        if response.status_code not in [200, 201, 202, 204]:

            raise VeryfiClientError.from_response(response)

        return response.json()

    def _generate_signature(self, payload_params, timestamp):


        Generate unique signature for payload params.

        :param payload_params: JSON params to be sent to API request

        :param timestamp: Unix Long timestamp

        :return: Unique signature generated using the client_secret and the payload


        payload = "timestamp:{}".format(timestamp)

        for key in payload_params.keys():

            value = payload_params[key]

            payload = "{0},{1}:{2}".format(payload, key, value)

        secret_bytes = bytes(self.client_secret, "utf-8")

        payload_bytes = bytes(payload, "utf-8")

        tmp_signature =, msg=payload_bytes, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()

        base64_signature = base64.b64encode(tmp_signature).decode("utf-8").strip()

        return base64_signature

    def get_documents(


        q: Optional[str] = None,

        external_id: Optional[str] = None,

        tag: Optional[str] = None,

        created_gt: Optional[str] = None,

        created_gte: Optional[str] = None,

        created_lt: Optional[str] = None,

        created_lte: Optional[str] = None,

        **kwargs: Dict,



        Get list of documents

        :param query: Search term to search for a specific document by its content. These fields will be searched: external_id, category,, notes, invoice_number, total and ocr_text.

        :param external_id: Search for documents that match your custom identifier

        :param tag: Search for documents with the specified tag

        :param created__gt: Search for documents with a created date greater than this one. Format YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS. Don't send both created__gt and created__gte in a single request.

        :param created__gte: Search for documents with a created date greater than or equal to this one. Format YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS. Don't send both created__gt and created__gte in a single request.

        :param created__lt: Search for documents with a created date greater than this one. Format YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS. Don't send both created__lt and created__lte in a single request.

        :param created__lte: Search for documents with a created date less than or equal to this one. Format YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS. Don't send both created__lt and created__lte in a single request.

        :param kwargs: Additional request parameters

        :return: List of previously processed documents


        endpoint_name = "/documents/"

        request_params = {}

        if q:

            request_params["q"] = q

        if external_id:

            request_params["external_id"] = external_id

        if tag:

            request_params["tag"] = tag

        if created_gt:

            request_params["created__gt"] = created_gt

        if created_gte:

            request_params["created__gte"] = created_gte

        if created_lt:

            request_params["created__lt"] = created_lt

        if created_lte:

            request_params["created__lte"] = created_lte


        if request_params:

            endpoint_name += "?" + "&".join(f"{k}={v}" for k, v in request_params.items())

        documents = self._request("GET", endpoint_name, {})

        if "documents" in documents:

            return documents["documents"]

        return documents

    def get_document(self, document_id):


        Retrieve document by ID

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to retrieve

        :return: Data extracted from the Document


        endpoint_name = "/documents/{}/".format(document_id)

        request_arguments = {"id": document_id}

        document = self._request("GET", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

        return document

    def process_document(


        file_path: str,

        categories: Optional[List] = None,

        delete_after_processing: bool = False,

        **kwargs: Dict,



        Process a document and extract all the fields from it

        :param file_path: Path on disk to a file to submit for data extraction

        :param categories: List of categories Veryfi can use to categorize the document

        :param delete_after_processing: Delete this document from Veryfi after data has been extracted

        :param kwargs: Additional request parameters

        :return: Data extracted from the document


        endpoint_name = "/documents/"

        if not categories:

            categories = self.CATEGORIES

        file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)

        with open(file_path, "rb") as image_file:

            base64_encoded_string = base64.b64encode("utf-8")

        request_arguments = {

            "file_name": file_name,

            "file_data": base64_encoded_string,

            "categories": categories,

            "auto_delete": delete_after_processing,



        document = self._request("POST", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

        return document

    def process_document_url(


        file_url: Optional[str] = None,

        categories: Optional[List[str]] = None,


        boost_mode: int = 0,

        external_id: Optional[str] = None,

        max_pages_to_process: Optional[int] = None,

        file_urls: Optional[List[str]] = None,

        **kwargs: Dict,

    ) -> Dict:

        """Process Document from url and extract all the fields from it.

        :param file_url: Required if file_urls isn't specified. Publicly accessible URL to a file, e.g. "".

        :param file_urls: Required if file_url isn't specifies. List of publicly accessible URLs to multiple files, e.g. ["", ""]

        :param categories: List of categories to use when categorizing the document

        :param delete_after_processing: Delete this document from Veryfi after data has been extracted

        :param max_pages_to_process: When sending a long document to Veryfi for processing, this parameter controls how many pages of the document will be read and processed, starting from page 1.

        :param boost_mode: Flag that tells Veryfi whether boost mode should be enabled. When set to 1, Veryfi will skip data enrichment steps, but will process the document faster. Default value for this flag is 0

        :param external_id: Optional custom document identifier. Use this if you would like to assign your own ID to documents

        :param kwargs: Additional request parameters

        :return: Data extracted from the document.


        endpoint_name = "/documents/"

        request_arguments = {

            "auto_delete": delete_after_processing,

            "boost_mode": boost_mode,

            "categories": categories,

            "external_id": external_id,

            "file_url": file_url,

            "file_urls": file_urls,

            "max_pages_to_process": max_pages_to_process,



        return self._request("POST", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

    def process_w9_document_url(

        self, file_url: str, file_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Dict

    ) -> Dict:


        Process W9 Document from url and extract all the fields from it.

        :param file_url: Publicly accessible URL to a file, e.g. "".

        :param file_name: Optional name of file, eg. receipt.jpg

        :param kwargs: Additional request parameters

        :return: Data extracted from the document.


        if file_name is None:

            file_name = os.path.basename(file_url)

        endpoint_name = "/w9s/"

        request_arguments = {

            "file_name": file_name,

            "file_url": file_url,



        return self._request("POST", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

    def process_w9_document(self, file_path: str, file_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs):


        Process W9 Document from url and extract all the fields from it.

        :param file_path: Path on disk to a file to submit for data extraction

        :param file_name: Optional name of file, eg. receipt.jpg

        :param kwargs: Additional request parameters

        :return: Data extracted from the document.


        endpoint_name = "/w9s/"

        if file_name is None:

            file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)

        with open(file_path, "rb") as image_file:

            base64_encoded_string = base64.b64encode("utf-8")

        request_arguments = {

            "file_name": file_name,

            "file_data": base64_encoded_string,



        document = self._request("POST", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

        return document

    def delete_document(self, document_id):


        Delete Document from Veryfi

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to delete


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/"

        request_arguments = {"id": document_id}

        self._request("DELETE", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

    def update_document(self, document_id: int, **kwargs) -> Dict:


        Update data for a previously processed document, including almost any field like `vendor`, `date`, `notes` and etc.

        ```veryfi_client.update_document(id, date="2021-01-01", notes="look what I did")```

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to update

        :param kwargs: fields to update

        :return: A document json with updated fields, if fields are writable. Otherwise a document with unchanged fields.


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/"

        return self._request("PUT", endpoint_name, kwargs)

    def get_line_items(self, document_id):


        Retrieve all line items for a document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to retrieve

        :return: List of line items extracted from the document


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/line-items/"

        request_arguments = {}

        line_items = self._request("GET", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

        return line_items

    def get_line_item(self, document_id, line_item_id):


        Retrieve a line item for existing document by ID.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to retrieve

        :param line_item_id: ID of the line item you'd like to retrieve

        :return: Line item extracted from the document


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/line-items/{line_item_id}"

        request_arguments = {}

        line_items = self._request("GET", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

        return line_items

    def add_line_item(self, document_id: int, payload: Dict) -> Dict:


        Add a new line item on an existing document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to update

        :param payload: line item object to add

        :return: Added line item data


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/line-items/"

        request_arguments = AddLineItem(**payload).dict(exclude_none=True)

        return self._request("POST", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

    def update_line_item(self, document_id: int, line_item_id: int, payload: Dict) -> Dict:


        Update an existing line item on an existing document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to update

        :param line_item_id: ID of the line item you'd like to update

        :param payload: line item object to update

        :return: Line item data with updated fields, if fields are writable. Otherwise line item data with unchanged fields.


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/line-items/{line_item_id}"

        request_arguments = UpdateLineItem(**payload).dict(exclude_none=True)

        return self._request("PUT", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

    def delete_line_items(self, document_id):


        Delete all line items on an existing document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to delete


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/line-items/"

        request_arguments = {}

        self._request("DELETE", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

    def delete_line_item(self, document_id, line_item_id):


        Delete an existing line item on an existing document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to delete

        :param line_item_id: ID of the line item you'd like to delete


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/line-items/{line_item_id}"

        request_arguments = {}

        self._request("DELETE", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

    def add_tag(self, document_id, tag_name):


        Add a new tag on an existing document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to update

        :param tag_name: name of the new tag

        :return: Added tag data


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/tags/"

        request_arguments = {"name": tag_name}

        return self._request("PUT", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

    def replace_tags(self, document_id, tags):


        Replace multiple tags on an existing document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to update

        :param tags: array of strings

        :return: Added tags data


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/"

        request_arguments = {"tags": tags}

        return self._request("PUT", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

    def add_tags(self, document_id, tags):


        Add multiple tags on an existing document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to update

        :param tags: array of strings

        :return: Added tags data


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/tags/"

        request_arguments = {"tags": tags}

        return self._request("POST", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

Class variables




def add_line_item(
    document_id: int,
    payload: Dict
) -> Dict

Add a new line item on an existing document.


Name Type Description Default
document_id None ID of the document you'd like to update None
payload None line item object to add None


Type Description
None Added line item data
View Source
    def add_line_item(self, document_id: int, payload: Dict) -> Dict:


        Add a new line item on an existing document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to update

        :param payload: line item object to add

        :return: Added line item data


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/line-items/"

        request_arguments = AddLineItem(**payload).dict(exclude_none=True)

        return self._request("POST", endpoint_name, request_arguments)


def add_tag(

Add a new tag on an existing document.


Name Type Description Default
document_id None ID of the document you'd like to update None
tag_name None name of the new tag None


Type Description
None Added tag data
View Source
    def add_tag(self, document_id, tag_name):


        Add a new tag on an existing document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to update

        :param tag_name: name of the new tag

        :return: Added tag data


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/tags/"

        request_arguments = {"name": tag_name}

        return self._request("PUT", endpoint_name, request_arguments)


def add_tags(

Add multiple tags on an existing document.


Name Type Description Default
document_id None ID of the document you'd like to update None
tags None array of strings None


Type Description
None Added tags data
View Source
    def add_tags(self, document_id, tags):


        Add multiple tags on an existing document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to update

        :param tags: array of strings

        :return: Added tags data


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/tags/"

        request_arguments = {"tags": tags}

        return self._request("POST", endpoint_name, request_arguments)


def delete_document(

Delete Document from Veryfi


Name Type Description Default
document_id None ID of the document you'd like to delete None
View Source
    def delete_document(self, document_id):


        Delete Document from Veryfi

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to delete


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/"

        request_arguments = {"id": document_id}

        self._request("DELETE", endpoint_name, request_arguments)


def delete_line_item(

Delete an existing line item on an existing document.


Name Type Description Default
document_id None ID of the document you'd like to delete None
line_item_id None ID of the line item you'd like to delete None
View Source
    def delete_line_item(self, document_id, line_item_id):


        Delete an existing line item on an existing document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to delete

        :param line_item_id: ID of the line item you'd like to delete


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/line-items/{line_item_id}"

        request_arguments = {}

        self._request("DELETE", endpoint_name, request_arguments)


def delete_line_items(

Delete all line items on an existing document.


Name Type Description Default
document_id None ID of the document you'd like to delete None
View Source
    def delete_line_items(self, document_id):


        Delete all line items on an existing document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to delete


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/line-items/"

        request_arguments = {}

        self._request("DELETE", endpoint_name, request_arguments)


def get_document(

Retrieve document by ID


Name Type Description Default
document_id None ID of the document you'd like to retrieve None


Type Description
None Data extracted from the Document
View Source
    def get_document(self, document_id):


        Retrieve document by ID

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to retrieve

        :return: Data extracted from the Document


        endpoint_name = "/documents/{}/".format(document_id)

        request_arguments = {"id": document_id}

        document = self._request("GET", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

        return document


def get_documents(
    q: Union[str, NoneType] = None,
    external_id: Union[str, NoneType] = None,
    tag: Union[str, NoneType] = None,
    created_gt: Union[str, NoneType] = None,
    created_gte: Union[str, NoneType] = None,
    created_lt: Union[str, NoneType] = None,
    created_lte: Union[str, NoneType] = None,
    **kwargs: Dict

Get list of documents


Name Type Description Default
query None Search term to search for a specific document by its content. These fields will be searched: external_id, category,, notes, invoice_number, total and ocr_text. None
external_id None Search for documents that match your custom identifier None
tag None Search for documents with the specified tag None
created__gt None Search for documents with a created date greater than this one. Format YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS. Don't send both created__gt and created__gte in a single request. None
created__gte None Search for documents with a created date greater than or equal to this one. Format YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS. Don't send both created__gt and created__gte in a single request. None
created__lt None Search for documents with a created date greater than this one. Format YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS. Don't send both created__lt and created__lte in a single request. None
created__lte None Search for documents with a created date less than or equal to this one. Format YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS. Don't send both created__lt and created__lte in a single request. None
kwargs None Additional request parameters None


Type Description
None List of previously processed documents
View Source
    def get_documents(


        q: Optional[str] = None,

        external_id: Optional[str] = None,

        tag: Optional[str] = None,

        created_gt: Optional[str] = None,

        created_gte: Optional[str] = None,

        created_lt: Optional[str] = None,

        created_lte: Optional[str] = None,

        **kwargs: Dict,



        Get list of documents

        :param query: Search term to search for a specific document by its content. These fields will be searched: external_id, category,, notes, invoice_number, total and ocr_text.

        :param external_id: Search for documents that match your custom identifier

        :param tag: Search for documents with the specified tag

        :param created__gt: Search for documents with a created date greater than this one. Format YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS. Don't send both created__gt and created__gte in a single request.

        :param created__gte: Search for documents with a created date greater than or equal to this one. Format YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS. Don't send both created__gt and created__gte in a single request.

        :param created__lt: Search for documents with a created date greater than this one. Format YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS. Don't send both created__lt and created__lte in a single request.

        :param created__lte: Search for documents with a created date less than or equal to this one. Format YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS. Don't send both created__lt and created__lte in a single request.

        :param kwargs: Additional request parameters

        :return: List of previously processed documents


        endpoint_name = "/documents/"

        request_params = {}

        if q:

            request_params["q"] = q

        if external_id:

            request_params["external_id"] = external_id

        if tag:

            request_params["tag"] = tag

        if created_gt:

            request_params["created__gt"] = created_gt

        if created_gte:

            request_params["created__gte"] = created_gte

        if created_lt:

            request_params["created__lt"] = created_lt

        if created_lte:

            request_params["created__lte"] = created_lte


        if request_params:

            endpoint_name += "?" + "&".join(f"{k}={v}" for k, v in request_params.items())

        documents = self._request("GET", endpoint_name, {})

        if "documents" in documents:

            return documents["documents"]

        return documents


def get_line_item(

Retrieve a line item for existing document by ID.


Name Type Description Default
document_id None ID of the document you'd like to retrieve None
line_item_id None ID of the line item you'd like to retrieve None


Type Description
None Line item extracted from the document
View Source
    def get_line_item(self, document_id, line_item_id):


        Retrieve a line item for existing document by ID.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to retrieve

        :param line_item_id: ID of the line item you'd like to retrieve

        :return: Line item extracted from the document


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/line-items/{line_item_id}"

        request_arguments = {}

        line_items = self._request("GET", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

        return line_items


def get_line_items(

Retrieve all line items for a document.


Name Type Description Default
document_id None ID of the document you'd like to retrieve None


Type Description
None List of line items extracted from the document
View Source
    def get_line_items(self, document_id):


        Retrieve all line items for a document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to retrieve

        :return: List of line items extracted from the document


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/line-items/"

        request_arguments = {}

        line_items = self._request("GET", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

        return line_items


def process_document(
    file_path: str,
    categories: Union[List, NoneType] = None,
    delete_after_processing: bool = False,
    **kwargs: Dict

Process a document and extract all the fields from it


Name Type Description Default
file_path None Path on disk to a file to submit for data extraction None
categories None List of categories Veryfi can use to categorize the document None
delete_after_processing None Delete this document from Veryfi after data has been extracted None
kwargs None Additional request parameters None


Type Description
None Data extracted from the document
View Source
    def process_document(


        file_path: str,

        categories: Optional[List] = None,

        delete_after_processing: bool = False,

        **kwargs: Dict,



        Process a document and extract all the fields from it

        :param file_path: Path on disk to a file to submit for data extraction

        :param categories: List of categories Veryfi can use to categorize the document

        :param delete_after_processing: Delete this document from Veryfi after data has been extracted

        :param kwargs: Additional request parameters

        :return: Data extracted from the document


        endpoint_name = "/documents/"

        if not categories:

            categories = self.CATEGORIES

        file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)

        with open(file_path, "rb") as image_file:

            base64_encoded_string = base64.b64encode("utf-8")

        request_arguments = {

            "file_name": file_name,

            "file_data": base64_encoded_string,

            "categories": categories,

            "auto_delete": delete_after_processing,



        document = self._request("POST", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

        return document


def process_document_url(
    file_url: Union[str, NoneType] = None,
    categories: Union[List[str], NoneType] = None,
    boost_mode: int = 0,
    external_id: Union[str, NoneType] = None,
    max_pages_to_process: Union[int, NoneType] = None,
    file_urls: Union[List[str], NoneType] = None,
    **kwargs: Dict
) -> Dict

Process Document from url and extract all the fields from it.


Name Type Description Default
file_url None Required if file_urls isn't specified. Publicly accessible URL to a file, e.g. "". None
file_urls None Required if file_url isn't specifies. List of publicly accessible URLs to multiple files, e.g. ["", ""] None
categories None List of categories to use when categorizing the document None
delete_after_processing None Delete this document from Veryfi after data has been extracted None
max_pages_to_process None When sending a long document to Veryfi for processing, this parameter controls how many pages of the document will be read and processed, starting from page 1. None
boost_mode None Flag that tells Veryfi whether boost mode should be enabled. When set to 1, Veryfi will skip data enrichment steps, but will process the document faster. Default value for this flag is 0 None
external_id None Optional custom document identifier. Use this if you would like to assign your own ID to documents None
kwargs None Additional request parameters None


Type Description
None Data extracted from the document.
View Source
    def process_document_url(


        file_url: Optional[str] = None,

        categories: Optional[List[str]] = None,


        boost_mode: int = 0,

        external_id: Optional[str] = None,

        max_pages_to_process: Optional[int] = None,

        file_urls: Optional[List[str]] = None,

        **kwargs: Dict,

    ) -> Dict:

        """Process Document from url and extract all the fields from it.

        :param file_url: Required if file_urls isn't specified. Publicly accessible URL to a file, e.g. "".

        :param file_urls: Required if file_url isn't specifies. List of publicly accessible URLs to multiple files, e.g. ["", ""]

        :param categories: List of categories to use when categorizing the document

        :param delete_after_processing: Delete this document from Veryfi after data has been extracted

        :param max_pages_to_process: When sending a long document to Veryfi for processing, this parameter controls how many pages of the document will be read and processed, starting from page 1.

        :param boost_mode: Flag that tells Veryfi whether boost mode should be enabled. When set to 1, Veryfi will skip data enrichment steps, but will process the document faster. Default value for this flag is 0

        :param external_id: Optional custom document identifier. Use this if you would like to assign your own ID to documents

        :param kwargs: Additional request parameters

        :return: Data extracted from the document.


        endpoint_name = "/documents/"

        request_arguments = {

            "auto_delete": delete_after_processing,

            "boost_mode": boost_mode,

            "categories": categories,

            "external_id": external_id,

            "file_url": file_url,

            "file_urls": file_urls,

            "max_pages_to_process": max_pages_to_process,



        return self._request("POST", endpoint_name, request_arguments)


def process_w9_document(
    file_path: str,
    file_name: Union[str, NoneType] = None,

Process W9 Document from url and extract all the fields from it.


Name Type Description Default
file_path None Path on disk to a file to submit for data extraction None
file_name None Optional name of file, eg. receipt.jpg None
kwargs None Additional request parameters None


Type Description
None Data extracted from the document.
View Source
    def process_w9_document(self, file_path: str, file_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs):


        Process W9 Document from url and extract all the fields from it.

        :param file_path: Path on disk to a file to submit for data extraction

        :param file_name: Optional name of file, eg. receipt.jpg

        :param kwargs: Additional request parameters

        :return: Data extracted from the document.


        endpoint_name = "/w9s/"

        if file_name is None:

            file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)

        with open(file_path, "rb") as image_file:

            base64_encoded_string = base64.b64encode("utf-8")

        request_arguments = {

            "file_name": file_name,

            "file_data": base64_encoded_string,



        document = self._request("POST", endpoint_name, request_arguments)

        return document


def process_w9_document_url(
    file_url: str,
    file_name: Union[str, NoneType] = None,
    **kwargs: Dict
) -> Dict

Process W9 Document from url and extract all the fields from it.


Name Type Description Default
file_url None Publicly accessible URL to a file, e.g. "". None
file_name None Optional name of file, eg. receipt.jpg None
kwargs None Additional request parameters None


Type Description
None Data extracted from the document.
View Source
    def process_w9_document_url(

        self, file_url: str, file_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Dict

    ) -> Dict:


        Process W9 Document from url and extract all the fields from it.

        :param file_url: Publicly accessible URL to a file, e.g. "".

        :param file_name: Optional name of file, eg. receipt.jpg

        :param kwargs: Additional request parameters

        :return: Data extracted from the document.


        if file_name is None:

            file_name = os.path.basename(file_url)

        endpoint_name = "/w9s/"

        request_arguments = {

            "file_name": file_name,

            "file_url": file_url,



        return self._request("POST", endpoint_name, request_arguments)


def replace_tags(

Replace multiple tags on an existing document.


Name Type Description Default
document_id None ID of the document you'd like to update None
tags None array of strings None


Type Description
None Added tags data
View Source
    def replace_tags(self, document_id, tags):


        Replace multiple tags on an existing document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to update

        :param tags: array of strings

        :return: Added tags data


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/"

        request_arguments = {"tags": tags}

        return self._request("PUT", endpoint_name, request_arguments)


def update_document(
    document_id: int,
) -> Dict

Update data for a previously processed document, including almost any field like vendor, date, notes and etc.

veryfi_client.update_document(id, date="2021-01-01", notes="look what I did")


Name Type Description Default
document_id None ID of the document you'd like to update None
kwargs None fields to update None


Type Description
None A document json with updated fields, if fields are writable. Otherwise a document with unchanged fields.
View Source
    def update_document(self, document_id: int, **kwargs) -> Dict:


        Update data for a previously processed document, including almost any field like `vendor`, `date`, `notes` and etc.

        ```veryfi_client.update_document(id, date="2021-01-01", notes="look what I did")```

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to update

        :param kwargs: fields to update

        :return: A document json with updated fields, if fields are writable. Otherwise a document with unchanged fields.


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/"

        return self._request("PUT", endpoint_name, kwargs)


def update_line_item(
    document_id: int,
    line_item_id: int,
    payload: Dict
) -> Dict

Update an existing line item on an existing document.


Name Type Description Default
document_id None ID of the document you'd like to update None
line_item_id None ID of the line item you'd like to update None
payload None line item object to update None


Type Description
None Line item data with updated fields, if fields are writable. Otherwise line item data with unchanged fields.
View Source
    def update_line_item(self, document_id: int, line_item_id: int, payload: Dict) -> Dict:


        Update an existing line item on an existing document.

        :param document_id: ID of the document you'd like to update

        :param line_item_id: ID of the line item you'd like to update

        :param payload: line item object to update

        :return: Line item data with updated fields, if fields are writable. Otherwise line item data with unchanged fields.


        endpoint_name = f"/documents/{document_id}/line-items/{line_item_id}"

        request_arguments = UpdateLineItem(**payload).dict(exclude_none=True)

        return self._request("PUT", endpoint_name, request_arguments)