request method Null safety

Future<Map<String, dynamic>> request(
  1. HTTPMethod method,
  2. String path,
  3. {Map<String, dynamic>? queryItems,
  4. Map<String, dynamic>? body}

API request.

Returns a Map with the response of the http request to the API using the method path queryItems and body. to build and perform the request.


Future<Map<String, dynamic>> request(HTTPMethod method, String path,
    {Map<String, dynamic>? queryItems, Map<String, dynamic>? body}) async {
  final headers = getHeaders(body ?? {});
  var encodedPath = "api/$apiVersion/partner/$path";
  final url = Uri.https(baseUrl, encodedPath, queryItems);
  switch (method) {
    case HTTPMethod.get:
      final getResponse = await httpClient.get(url, headers: headers);
      return processResponse(getResponse);
      final postResponse = await,
          headers: headers, body: jsonEncode(body));
      return processResponse(postResponse);
    case HTTPMethod.put:
      final putResponse =
          await httpClient.put(url, headers: headers, body: jsonEncode(body));
      return processResponse(putResponse);
    case HTTPMethod.delete:
      final deleteResponse = await httpClient.delete(url, headers: headers);
      return processResponse(deleteResponse);