Package veryfi

Class VeryfiClientFactory


public final class VeryfiClientFactory extends Object
Factory for creating instances of Client.
  • Method Details

    • createClient

      public static Client createClient(String clientId, String clientSecret, String username, String apiKey)
      Creates an instance of Client.
      clientId - the String provided by Veryfi.
      clientSecret - the String provided by Veryfi.
      username - the String provided by Veryfi.
      apiKey - the String provided by Veryfi.
      the new instance with default api version (8).
    • createClient

      public static Client createClient(String clientId, String clientSecret, String username, String apiKey, int apiVersion)
      Creates an instance of Client.
      clientId - the String provided by Veryfi.
      clientSecret - the String provided by Veryfi.
      username - the String provided by Veryfi.
      apiKey - the String provided by Veryfi.
      apiVersion - the {link int} api version to use Veryfi.
      the new instance with custom api version.
    • createClient

      public static Client createClient(String clientId, String clientSecret, String username, String apiKey, int apiVersion, HttpClient httpClient)
      Creates an instance of Client.
      clientId - the String provided by Veryfi.
      clientSecret - the String provided by Veryfi.
      username - the String provided by Veryfi.
      apiKey - the String provided by Veryfi.
      apiVersion - the {link int} api version to use Veryfi.
      httpClient - HttpClient for the Veryfi API
      the new instance with custom api version.